Summer summer!

Gosh summer goes fast. I feel like it's not fair that we get just past the fourth of July and BAM.. the stores start throwing back to school stuff in our face! We have had SO much fun this summer.. mostly boating, as you all know from my Instagram! We LOVE the lake and packing… Continue reading Summer summer!

Keeping up is hard

Keeping up... it can be hard, can't it? You see a post on instagram that your friend is on vacation...and the other is out shopping with friends...and then you sit and look around at the endless amount of laundry that needs to be done...and dishes that are scattered throughout the house, spit up covered all… Continue reading Keeping up is hard

Grief is all the love you want to give to someone that you cannot…. 

Grief is individual. Its painful, and it's raw. Its scary, and overwhelming... Grieving the loss of someone you care about hurts. It hurts so bad that you will want to run into the middle of a busy room and shout that you are suffering, because it hurts to see the world around you keep turning… Continue reading Grief is all the love you want to give to someone that you cannot….