Summer summer!

Gosh summer goes fast. I feel like it’s not fair that we get just past the fourth of July and BAM.. the stores start throwing back to school stuff in our face!

We have had SO much fun this summer.. mostly boating, as you all know from my Instagram! We LOVE the lake and packing up a whole days worth of food and supplies and heading out to just be together on the water all day.

We also tried tenting for the first time as a family and although I forgot a few blankets in the dryer before we left (oops!) We had a GREAT time! I wish so badly we tried tenting before now.. we always rent cabins which are fun too but something about tenting makes me feel like I’m really camping and connected to nature!

This has been the first summer in over 10 years that I haven’t had extra kiddos here with us here every day of summer for daycare, which I have always LOVED..but a year ago decided I needed to focus more on my kids so I had more energy at the end of the day… I do miss those kiddos but it’s really been nice to have so much more one on one time with them…(I still have my daycare girls twice a week which is a great balance!)

Anyways kiddos are starting to wake up so I’m off but I hope you enjoyed some pictures from our summer so far! I’ll do another post in another few weeks to wrap up more stuff we plan to do.. we camp again this weekend… We also plan to do some day trips too! Summer goes too fast!

Xo Cassi

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